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  • [심포지움] Managing Alien Species for Sustainable Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries

  • 등록일 : 2008-10-31 조회수 : 1318

  • maliaf 2008

    November 4, Tuesday: Salone degli Scheletri, "La Specola", Via Romana 17
    18 00 Registration
    18 30 Welcome party
    November 5, Wednesday: Palazzo Non Finito, Via del Proconsolo 12
    08 00 Registration & Posters set-up
    08 50 Welcome
    INTRODUCTION ? Chair: Bianca Maria POLI (Italy)
    09 00 Ian G. COWX, Natalie ANGELOPOULOS & Andy D. NUNN (UK) - Are alien species important to European aquaculture?
    09 20 Keynote: Stefano CATAUDELLA (Italy) - Some considerations on the sustainable use of fish populations
    DRIVERS OF USE ? Chair: Roger MANN (USA)
    10 00 Hernando ACOSTA, Mike TAYLOR, Barrie FORREST & Andrea ALFARO (New Zealand) - Aquaculture in Tasman Bay, New Zealand: An intricate network for the spread of marine non-indigenous species
    10 20 Anna OCCHIPINTI-AMBROGI, Dario SAVINI, Agnese MARCHINI, Ian COWX, Andy D. NUNN, Gordon COPP, Francesca GHERARDI, Elena TRICARICO, Sergej OLENIN & Stephan GOLLASCH (Italy, etc.) - Drivers of use and mechanisms of dispersal of alien species in European aquaculture
    10 40 COFFEE BREAK
    11 10 Kyle YOUNG, Jessica STEPHENSON, Alexandre TERREAU, Anne-Flore THAILLY, Gonzalo GAJARDO & Carlos Garcia DE LEANIZ (Chile & UK) - One trout, two trout, new trout: the ecology of historic and aquaculture driven salmonid invasions southern Chile
    11 30 Francesca GHERARDI, Laura AQUILONI & Elena TRICARICO (Italy) - Linking human activities to the distribution of animal alien species in Italian inland waters
    11 50 Sergej OLENIN, Viktoras DID?IULIS, Stephan GOLLASCH, Ian COWX, Andy D. NUNN, Francesca GHERARDI, Elena TRICARICO, Laurence MIOSSEC, Anna OCCHIPINTI-AMBROGI, Dario SAVINI, Galina JENEY, Eva STROTHOTTE & Volker HILGE (Lithuania, etc.) - Recent bioinvasion trends in European coastal seas and inland waters
    12 10 Giovanni M.TURCHINI, David S. FRANCIS & Sena S. DE SILVA (Australia & Thailand) - Salmonid introductions and aquaculture: A global perspective
    12 30 Ann-Lisbeth AGNALT, John ALVSVAG & Knut E. JØRSTAD (Norway) - Yet another introduced crab species is now established as a population in the Barents Sea, the Snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio)
    12 50 Martin H. DAVIS & Mary E. DAVIS (UK) - The current and potential distribution of Styela clava Herdman in European waters
    13 10 Mary CARMAN, Richard KARNEY, James MORRIS, Porter HOAGLAND & David GRUNDEN (USA) - Invasive tunicates identified at shellfish aquaculture sites in the New England and Mid-Atlantic states, USA
    13 30 LUNCH
    SPECIES INVENTORIES - Chair: Sergej OLENIN (Lithuania)
    14 30 Keynote: Harald ROSENTHAL (Germany) - Annotated bibliography on transplantations and transfers of aquatic organisms and their implications on aquaculture and ecosystems
    15 10 Volker HILGE & Eva STROTHOTTE (Germany) - A critical overview on introductions of the European freshwater aquaculture
    15 30 Chad L. HEWITT & Marnie L. CAMPBELL (Australia) - Global and regional patterns of marine invasions
    15 50 Jiri MUSIL, Pavel JURAJDA, Zdenek ADAMEK & Ondrej SLAVIK (Czech Republic) - Review of non-native freshwater fishes in the Czech Republic: History, present and future perspectives
    16 10 Maria CORSINI-FOKA, Stefanos KALOGIROU & Panos S. ECONOMIDIS (Greece) - Marine and estuarine alien fishes in Greece
    16 30 COFFEE BREAK
    17 00 Ian J. WINFIELD, Janice M. FLETCHER & J. Ben JAMES (UK) - A review of fish species introductions to the English Lake District, UK, an area of outstanding conservation value
    17 20 Kestutis ARBACIAUSKAS & Vytautas RAKAUSKAS (Lithuania) - History, results, and consequences of an attempt to improve fish food basis in Lithuania
    17 40 - 19 00   POSTER SESSION
    November 6, Thursday: Palazzo Non Finito, Via del Proconsolo 12
    RISK ASSESSMENT - Chair: Gordon H. COPP (UK)
    09 00 Keynote: David M. LODGE (USA) - Frameworks and tools for risk analysis of non-indigenous species
    09 40 Lorenzo VILIZZI, Gordon H. COPP & John MUMFORD (Australia & UK) - Screening tools for assessing the invasion risks of alien species used in aquaculture
    10 00 Roger MANN (USA) - Choosing a non-native species for aquaculture and fishery enhancement: How niche matching limits choice and ability to develop sound risk assessments
    10 20 Alan MacLEOD, Glyn JONES & Esther AREIKIN (UK) - Assessing socio-economic impacts within risk assessment
    10 40 COFFEE BREAK
    MANAGEMENT - Chair: Chad L. HEWITT (Australia)
    11 10 Keynote: Piero (Papik) GENOVESI (Italy) - Priorities for strengthening the control of aquatic invasive alien species in Europe
    11 50 Graeme INGLIS, Don MORRISEY & Brendan GOULD (New Zealand) - The importance of active surveillance for management of marine pests and their impacts
    12 10 J. Robert BRITTON, Gareth D. DAVIES, Matt BRAZIER & R.E. GOZLAN (UK) - Developing risk-based mitigation and remediation procedures for non-native freshwater fishes: A case study of Pseudorasbora parva in the UK
    12 30 Carlos FERNANDEZ-DELGADO, Rafael Arenas GONZALEZ, Gunnar PERSSON & Paul J. MIDTLYNG (Spain, Sweden & Norway) - The eradication of introduced fish species for restoration of the waterfowl fauna of Laguna de Zonar, Andalusia (Southern Spain)
    12 50 Roar SANDODDEN & Stein Ivar JOHNSEN (Norway) - Eradication of introduced signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) using the pharmaceutical BETAMAX VET.??
    13 10 Standish K., ALLEN, Jr. (USA) - Triploidy for population control of non-native aquaculture species: the case of the Asian oyster in the Chesapeake Bay, USA
    13 30 LUNCH
    14 30 Roar SANDODDEN & John Haakon STENSLI (Norway) - Rotenone treatment of the rivers in the Rana region, Norway, in the purpose of eradicating fatal ectoparasite on Atlantic salmon
    14 50 Thomas LANDRY, Jeffrey DAVIDSON & Chris MCKINDSEY (Canada) - Tunicate infestation on mussel farms in Prince Edward Island Canada: from Aquatic Invasive Species management to exotic pest control
    LEGISLATION - Chair: Ian COWX (UK)
    15 10 Keynote: Ana Cristina CARDOSO (European Commission) - Invasive Alien Species and the EC legislation
    15 50 Ian C. RUSSELL, Gordon H. COPP, Alasdair SCOTT & Paul CHAPINAL (UK) - Policy and practice in the control of non-native freshwater fishes: reflections on developments in England and Wales and implications for the future
    16 10 Lennart EDSMAN & Ossi V. LINDQVIST (Sweden & Finland) - Problems with the concept of optimisation and their implications for conservation
    16 30 COFFEE BREAK
    17 00 Martin SYVRET, Andrew FITZGERALD & Helen STEVENS (UK) - A Pacific Oyster Protocol: A joint approach in U.K. waters
    17 20 Ian LAING (UK) - Slipping through the net - the Manila clam in the UK
    17 40 - 19 00   POSTER SESSION
    November 7, Friday: Palazzo Non Finito, Via del Proconsolo 12
    IMPACTS - Chair: Stephan GOLLASCH (Germany)
    09 00 Keynote: Sena S. DE SILVA (Thailand & Australia) - Aquaculture without alien species is not a reality
    09 40 Rodolphe E. GOZLAN & J. Robert BRITTON (UK) - Biodiversity crisis and the introduction of non-native fish for aquaculture: Solutions, not scapegoats
    10 00 Christian WOLTER & Franziska ROHR (Germany) - Distribution history of invasive species in Germany: How invasive are they?
    10 20 Ben J. PERRY, Kyle A. YOUNG, B. GARA, Gonzalo GAJARDO & Carlos Garcia DE LEANIZ (UK & Chile) - Effects of non-native salmonids on native fish fauna in Chile and the Falkland Islands
    10 40 Marco ANDRELLO, Daniele BEVACQUA, Paco MELIA, Alain J. CRIVELLI & Giulio A. DE LEO (France & Italy) - Impact of the invasive European catfish on the dynamics of a European eel population in a freshwater canal
    11 00 COFFEE BREAK
    11 30 Andrew DEINES & David LODGE (USA) - Ecological mechanisms and impacts of Tilapia: Review of empirical evidence
    11 50 Juan Antonio ARCE ALTAMIRANO & Javier DIEGUEZ-URIBEONDO (Spain) - Monitoring Procambarus clarkii burrowing activity to predict the degree of structural damage in rice fields
    12 10 Kilian TOLEDO-GUEDES, Pablo SANCHEZ-JEREZ, Gustavo GONZALEZ-LORENZO & Alberto BRITO-HERNANDEZ (Spain) - Detecting the degree of establishment and potential impacts of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax escapees in Canary Islands, North Eastern Atlantic
    12 30 Jan H. WANINK, Ronald BIJKERK, Marlous L. C. HEUKELS, Richard W. DE JONG, Maarten J. J. E. LOONEN, Peter P. SCHOLLEMA & Herman WANNINGEN (Netherlands) - Potential impact of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) on turbidity and submerged vegetation in Lake Zuidlaardermeer, northern Netherlands
    12 50 Edmund J. PEELER, Birgit C. OIDTMANN, Paul J. MIDTLYNG & Laurence MIOSSEC (UK, Norway & France) - The introduction of exotic parasites and pathogens to Europe with the translocation of alien aquatic animal species
    13 10 David BASSETT (Federation of European Aquaculture Producers) - The continuing importance of alien species in European aquaculture
    13 30 LUNCH
    14 30 Florentina CRUZ MEDINA (European Commission) - Overview of EU Council Regulation (EC) No 708/2007 concerning use of alien species in aquaculture
    14 50 Gordon H. COPP, Ian G. COWX & IMPASSE partners (UK, etc.) - An overview of the risk analysis and management framework for the use of alien species in European aquaculture
    15 10 Stephan GOLLASCH, Ian COWX, Rudy GOZLAN, Glyn JONES, Laurence MIOSSEC, Andy NUNN & Ed PEELER (Germany, etc.) - Impact analysis of alien species in aquaculture
    15 30 Ian G.COWX, Andy D. NUNN & IMPASSE partners (UK, etc.) - Framework for management of alien species in aquaculture
    15 50 COFFEE BREAK
    16 20 Discussion
    November 8, Saturday:

    List of Posters

    Session: IMPACTS
    1 Laura Aquiloni, Francesca Gherardi, Maria Paz Martin Esteban & Javier Dieguez-Uribeondo (Italy & Spain) ? Alien crayfish Procambarus clarkii as a carrier of the parasite Aphanomyces astaci in Italy: Evidence from digital images and molecular analysis
    2 Praparsiri Barnette, Wansuk Sananan, Orawan Khururat, Nongnud Tangkrock-Olan & Charan Wongwiwatanawute (Thailand) ? Prevalence of an alien pathogen, Taura Syndrome Virus, in local shrimp species in the Bangpakong estuary and in wild Penaeus monodon broodstock from the Gulf of Thailand
    3 Temir A. Britayev, Alexander V. Rzhavsky, Ludmila V. Pavlova, Sergey A. Kuzmin & Alexander G. Dvoretskij (Russia) ? Impact of the alien Red King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) on the shallow water communities of the Barents Sea
    4 Lennart Edsman, Inger Wallentinus & Malin Werner (Sweden) ? AquAliens: Results and conclusions from the research programme assessing the risks posed by introduced aquatic species and their impact on ecosystems and economy in Sweden
    5 Vladimira Hanzelova & Mikula? Oros (Slovakia) ? Alien fish tapeworm Amurotaenia perccotti, a parasite of Chinese sleeper (Perccottus glenii) in Slovakia: seasonality and maturation
    6 Wazir Singh Lakra (India) ? Impact, potential and quarantine of exotic fish germplasm in India: A review
    7 Gianandrea La Porta, Valentina Angeli, Agnese Bicchi, Antonella Carosi, Giovanni Pedicillo, Paolo Viali & Massimo Lorenzoni (Italy) ? Variations in the fish community in Lake Piediluco (Italy) as a consequence of the change in the trophic status and of the introduction of alien species
    8 Tuan Le Cong & Cristiano Rossignoli (Vietnam & UK) ? Yellow Snail (Pomacea caniculata), a disaster for agriculture, biodiversity, and environment in Vietnam
    9 Marta Maccari, Stella Redon, German Medina, Francisco Hontoria, Juan Carlos Navarro, Graziella Mura & Francisco Amat (Spain & Italy) ? How the alien Artemia franciscana outcompeted the indigenous diploid parthenogenetic brine shrimp from Margherita di Savoia (Italy)
    10 Laurence Miossec, Jean-Pierre Joly, Philippe Goulletquer, Audrey Rohfritsch, Sylvie Lapegue, Pierre-Guy Sauriau (France) ? Positive and negative impacts following introduction of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas into France
    11 Suwanna Panutrakul, Wansuk Senanan, Suchana Chavanich, Nongnud Tangkrock-Olan & Voranop Viyakarn (Thailand) ? Potential survival of Pacific Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and its ability to compete for food with local marine shrimp species in the Bangpakong River, Thailand
    12 Reza Safari, Mahmoud Reza Ovissipour, Hasti Azarabad & Maryam Modanlow (Iran) ? Gram negative bacteria presence in the Caspian Sea ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi
    13 Reza Safari, Mahmoud Reza Ovissipour, Hasti Azarabad & Maryam Modanlow (Iran) ? The Caspian Sea exotic ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi and bacteria interaction in a laboratory model
    14 Jan H. Wanink, Tijs Goldschmidt, Wim Hoogenboezem, Egid F. B. Katunzi, John Y. Okedi & Frans Witte (Netherlands, Tanzania & Uganda) ? Nile perch in Lake Victoria: Predator introduction boosts recruitment of commercially important cyprinid prey fish
    15 A. Zahedi Tabarestani, Maryam Ghiasi, Aliasghar Saeedi, Reza Pourgholam & J. Zoriezahra (Iran) ? Isolation and identification of Vibrio sp. from southern Caspian Sea’s diseased mullets (Liza salieance and& Liza oratus)
    Session: LEGISLATION
    16 Kate Smith & James Maxwell Wilson (UK) ? Menai Strait Mussel Fishery Code of Practice for mussel movements
    Session: MANAGEMENT
    17 Laura Aquiloni, Silvia Bertocchi, Sara Brusconi, Giuseppe Mazza, Elena Tricarico & Francesca Gherardi (Italy) ? Biological methods for the control of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii
    18 Joanna Jaszczolt & Anna Szaniawska (Poland) ? An American crayfish (Orconectes limosus Raf., 1817) as a potential organism for aquaculture in low-salinity conditions
    19 Philippe Lambret, Thomas Herve, Nicolas Gauthier, Francesca Gherardi & Catherine Souty-Grosset (France & Italy) ? Limiting the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii population size in Marais du Vigueirat (Camargue): A fishing method harmless for native species with its economical and educational impact
    20 Andrea Monaco, Dario Capizzi, Ivana Pizzol, Stefano Sarrocco, Marco Scalisi, Iacopo Sinibaldi, Giuliano Tallone & Piero Genovesi (Italy) ? An integrated approach on a regional level: Alien Species of Latium Atlas Project (PASAL)
    21 Jiri Musil, Jiri Peterka & Zdenek Adamek (Czech Republic) ? Production of large pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) juveniles: Alternative use of an Asian alien fish, Pseudorasbora parva
    22 Elena Tricarico, Gordon H. Copp, Francesca Gherardi & Lorenzo Vilizzi (Italy, UK & Australia) ? Risk assessment analysis for freshwater crayfish
    23 Mohamad Binaii, Maryam Ghiasi, Seyed Jalil Zooriye Zahra & Ali Reza Bahonar (Iran) ? Evolution of hematological and some biochemical and immunological factors of golden grey mullet (Liza auratus) from southern Caspian Sea (Golestan province)
    24 Filippo Faccenda, Giulia Rizzoli, Giuliana Parisi, Oreste Franci & Fernando Lunelli (Italy) ? Integrated research on the improvement of Trentino commercial production of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in terms of yield of the processed products
    25 Maryam Ghiasi, Mohamad Binaii, Seyed Mohammad Vahid Farabi, Reza Porgholam & Mohammad Ebrahime Setayeshi (Iran) ? Assessment of dietary administration of L-carnitine and vitamin C on hematological, biochemical, immunity factors, and growth in rainbow trout
    26 Mohamad Reza Ghomi, Faghani Hamid & Sohrabnejad Mehdi (Iran) ? Comparison of high and moderate carbohydrate levels on growth and yield of cyprinids
    27 Jan Ko?co, Karel Halacka & Luka? Vete?nik (Slovakia & Czech Republic) ? The role of morphological and physiological adaptations of Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) in the invasion success
    28 Jan Ko?co & Ladislav Pekarik (Slovakia) ? New invader replaces the previous one: the case study of Ameiurus melas and Ameiurus nebulosus
    29 Ioannis D. Leonardos, Emmanuil Koutrakis, Varvara Liousia & Panos S. Economidis (Greece) ? The Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio), an invasive freshwater species in the inland waters of Greece
    30 George Minos & Panos S. Economidis (Greece) ? Reproductive success of alien Liza haematocheilus (Temmick & Schlegel, 1845) in northern Aegean Sea (Greece)
    31 Michal Nowak & Wlodzimierz Popek (Poland) ? Bone identification of the Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii (Teleostei: Odontobutidae) in the context of commercial carp ponds
    32 Mahmoud Reza Ovissipour, Rajab Mohammad Nazari, Maryam Modanlow, Mohammadreza Ghomi (Iran) ? Induction of final maturation, ovulation and spawning in Chinese carps with synthetic hormones in Iran
    33 Giovanni Pedicillo, Valentina Angeli, Gianandrea La Porta, Antonella Carosi, Maria Pia Spigonardi, Paolo Viali & Massimo Lorenzoni (Italy) ? Growth patterns variations between two populations of Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Central Italy
    34 Mikhail Pereladov (Russia) ? Red King Crab in the Barents Sea coastal waters: Biotopes preferences, annual stock dynamics and current problems of fisheries management
    35 Aliasghar Saeedi, Hosseinali K. Hoshbavar Rostami, Reza Pourgholam, Mohammad Vahid Farabi & Mehrasa Hadian (Iran) ? Study on biological and physiological characterizations of southern part of Caspian Sea's salmon broodstocks in Tonekabon stream
    36 Ali Asghar Saeedi, Jalil Zorriehzahra, Maryam Ghiyasi, Mohammad Binaii, Mehrasa Hadiyan & Abolfazl Mahdavi (Iran) ? Comparison of some of the most important hematological parameters in Liza auratus
    37 Wansuk Senanan, Praparsiri Barnette, Nongnud Tangkrock-Olan, Kran Ponsombat & Suwanna Panutrakul (Thailand) ? Abundance and gonadal development of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) escaped from farms into coastal areas of eastern Thailand
    38 Maria Grazia Volpe, Michela Monetta, Gabriella Santagata, Elena Coccia, Mario Malinconico & Marina Paolucci (Italy) ? Polysaccharide based pellets for crayfish intensive aquaculture
    39 Margit Kumari, Kulli Kangur & Marina Haldna (Estonia) ? Spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of the invasive amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus in the large shallow Lake Peipsi (Estonia/Russia)
    40 Michal Nowak, Jan Ko?co & Wlodzimierz Popek (Poland & Slovakia) ? Distribution and history of spreading of the black bullhead Ameiurus melas (Teleostei: Ictaluridae) in Europe
    41 Michal Nowak & Wlodzimierz Popek (Poland) ? Distribution of the Chinese sleeper Perccottus glenii (Teleostei: Odontobutidae) in Poland
    42 Ladislav Pekarik & Jan Ko?co (Slovakia) ? Temporal and spatial trends in the process of invasion and naturalisation of Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) in Slovakia
    43 Oana Paula Popa, Dumitru Murariu, Elena Iulia Pisica, Beatrice Simona Kelemen, Gabriela Grigoras & Luis Ovidiu Popa (Romania) ? DNA barcoding on invasive freshwater mussels in Romanian fauna
    44 Luis Ovidiu Popa, Oana Paula Popa, Teodora Trichkova, Zdravko Hubenov & Dumitru Murariu (Romania) ? Dreissena bugensis: First record on Bulgarian inland water
    45 Igor Studenov & Vadim Borkichev (Russia) ? Some results of humpback salmon acclimatization in the seas of the Russian North-West
    46 Igor Studenov & Alexander Novoselov (Russia) ? Results of the introduction of the peled (Coregonus peled Gmelin, 1789) from the Pechora River to the lakes of the Arkhangelsk oblast (North-West of Russia)
    47 Nadezhda A. Berezina (Russia) ? Xenodiversity of amphipods and their predation impacts in aquatic ecosystems of North-Western Russia
    48 Aloyzas Burba (Lithuania) ? Alien crayfish species in Lithuania: A risk for native species or future of aquaculture?
    49 Francesca Ciutti & Cristina Cappelletti (Italy) ? Invertebrate and fish xenodiversity in Lake Garda (Italy)
    50 Emmanuil Koutrakis, Giannis Leonardos & Panos S. Economidis (Greece) ? Introduced fish species in the inland Hellenic waters: implications with aquaculture
    51 Flavio Orru, Anna Maria Deiana & Angelo Cau (Italy) ? Aquatic alien species in Sardinia: a review
    52 Maria Antonietta Pancucci-Papadopoulou & Argyro Zenetos (Greece) ? Climatic change or research effort? Monitoring Marine Alien species in the Hellenic Seas
    53 Behzad Sarvi, Maryam Modanlow, Mahmoud Reza Ovissipour & Reza Safari (Iran) ? A review on Iranian exotic aquatic animals
    54 Dario Savini, Anna Occhipinti-Ambrogi, Agnese Marchini, Elena Tricarico, Francesca Gherardi, Sergej Olenin, Stephan Gollasch (Italy, etc.) ? The worst 25 alien species in European aquaculture
